Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bhavana Telugu Film Ontario Shoot Scenes

It was a rap attempt in film ontario being shot at vishakapatanam but bhavana was hurt more by the comments hurled at her by onlookers who crowded to witness the scene.Even though majority of people had come to have a direct look at the rap attempt few among them pelted heavy words on bhavana calling her a prosti... and so on.Bhavana was so hurt that she asked the organisers to remove all audience before shooting restarted.“The comments of them are more notorious than the attempt to rap scene,” the actress said feeling somewhat hurt.

Now all will be seeing it on the screen.NO LIVE WIRES.

Now into the scene directly ,ashish vidyarthy the villian robs the bhavana of her clothes and first time bhavi made her bra visible.

More of the shots will be uploaded soon . keep watching
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