Sunday, December 20, 2009

Twilight Eclipse Trailer

Trailer of Twilight EclipseTwilight New Moon was of course a huge success. Now it's time to think about Twilight 3, aka Twilight Eclipse! The third movie of the Twilight Saga will hit theaters on June 30, 2010. And Twilight fans are waiting with impatience for the trailer of Twilight Eclipse.

Twilight Eclipse Plot, Synopsis:
"Lovestruck teenager Bella must choose between her vampire boyfriend Edward and werewolf Jacob."

The official Twilight Eclipse trailer isn't available yet, but here's a preview with interviews of the actors (Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and the others):


Since the film comes to theater en of June, I guess the movie trailer of Twilight Eclipse will be released end of March 2010, or early April 2010. This Twilight Eclipse trailer will allow us to check if Director David Slade did respect the story of Stephenie Meyer's book.
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